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Changhua Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Rehabilitation and Education

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-24
  • View count:3989
  The aim job for punishment is education. The main content of it is service education, and is attaching to recreational activities.
Religious service
religious-service teach  religious-service  religious-service visit 
Solo/Group rehabilitation
sologroup-rehabilitation1  sologroup-rehabilitation2  sologroup-rehabilitation3
sologroup-rehabilitation4  sologroup-rehabilitation5  sologroup-rehabilitation6
Volunteer guidance
volunteer-guidance1  volunteer-guidance in class  volunteer-guidance3
1. The service education is including individual rehabilitation and four levels of juvenile inmates. What is more, to establish National Open University of Erlin and National Erlin Industrial and Business Branch of advanced studies school. It also offers the inmates the opportunity to continue for advanced studies by means of media teaching.
2. Recreational activities: Various recreational activities, like chess, painting, ball games, patriotic songs and special skill performances, and etc., take place each month for the physical and psychological health of inmates. In order to nurture inmates’ reading interest, the enriched library equipment and book clubs are established at the workshop in each district.
Drug addiction or alcohol addiction treatments

Drug addiction1  Drug addiction 2  Drug addiction 3

Drug addiction 4  Drug addiction 4  Drug addiction 6

Recreational activities: Ball games/ Lantern Making Competition / drama competition/ Article or painting Contests

recreational-activities1  recreational-activities2  recreational-activities3

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Visitation on telephone / Face to face PTA/ Family reunion

visitation1  visitation2  visitation3

visitation4  visitation5  visitation6

  To provide the inmates’ contributions of their articles to cultivate their writing capability to nobleness, they can express it in “Changhua Prison Garden.” Each workshop contains TV set, video set and audio measurement for the leisure disciplinary goal of changing and influencing. Visitation on telephone and by face to face is held in time for inmates to express their gratitude, in order to achieve the purpose of influencing and reforming through such affiliations.
Social resource rehabilitation
Social resource rehabilitation1  Social resource rehabilitation2  Social resource rehabilitation3
Scholars Academy
cholars-academy1  cholars-academy2  cholars-academy3
cholars-academy4  cholars-academy5  cholars-academy6
National Open University class /Erlin Industrial and Business Advanced studies class
class1  class2  class3
class4  class5  class6
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